Ever Struggle To Define And Share The Philosophy Of Your Business?

You're in the right place. 

Every business owner has a philosophy they want to share with their audience. A set of principles. A system of values to build the foundation of their brand on.

I'm not talking about dry, boring academic armchair debating. I'm talking about philosophy as a lived experience.

Practice over theory.

That's the sexy kind of philosophy business owners can put into action by living, breathing and understanding their values.

It's where Sexy Philosophy comes in from the guy in the picture (That's me) who's trying to live his own beliefs and encourage others to do the same.

Who is Sexy Philosophy for?

  • CEOs, start-up founders and leaders who want to embrace their philosophy
  • Mental health professionals and caregivers wanting to look after others and themselves
  • Folks who're on a path of self-development
  • Fellow weirdos who like quirky ass content

What kind of content can you expect?

2 -4 emails per week discussing: 

  • Actionable personal branding and business tips in the pursuit of practicing what you preach
  • Philosophically-minded copywriting services and sales offers to help forge your brand philosophy and build your content empire 
  • Stories from ancient schools of thought about how to live authentically
  • Mental health conversations and pop culture positivity

Join The Sexy Philosophy Community

    By signing up to Sexy Philosophy, you acknowledge that you're committed to trying to put your values into practice and taking steps to live your own version of authenticity.

    You also acknowledge that you're open to receiving sales offers that combine philosophy and content marketing together.

    I acknowledge that I'm going to practice what I preach by providing you with the best damn creative storytelling I can muster. That I want to build a genuine connection with everyone on my email list and provide the most value in different ways.

    If any email you receive doesn't resonate with you or stops resonating with you, unsubscribe. Fill your days with content that feeds your soul, provides the value you're looking for and sparks your inspiration.